Hershey Park Ticket Prices

This website is not associated with Hershey Park
3.5/5 - (142 votes)
March, 2025 Prices may vary by location and are updated frequently.

Below are the latest Hershey Park ticket prices.


Ticket Prices

Children 2 & Younger are FREE!
1-Day Any Day Ticket (Starting Price)$49.99
2-Day Any Day Ticket (Starting Price Per Day)$42.00

2024 Season Passes

Children 2 & Younger are FREE!

Per Month for 7 Months

King Size Season Pass$36.29
Bite Size Season Pass$22.57
Disclaimer: PriceListo gathers actual pricing information from sources such as on-site visits, business websites, and phone interviews. The prices reported on this webpage derive from one or more of those sources. Naturally, the prices reported on this website may not be current, and may not apply to all locations of a given business brand. To obtain current pricing, contact the individual business location of interest to you.
PriceListo Hershey Park prices provided by PriceListo.

About Hershey Park

Hershey Park is a theme park owned by Hershey Entertainment, makers of the popular chocolate brand. The complex was established in 1905 to serve as an amusement park for their employees but has since expanded to accommodate the public.

Located in Derry Township, Pennsylvania, Hershey Park encompasses 110 acres with more than 60 attractions and rides. One of the most popular attractions there now is the Boardwalk at Hersheypark, as well as Zooamerica – North American Wildlife Park. All the rides in the park have an aggressive rating ranging from children’s rides (low speed) to aggressive (high speed with sudden changes in direction and speed).  

In addition Hershey’s Chocolate World is nearby, a center where visitors can enjoy a chocolate theme ride, create their own candy and learn how Hershey’s makes their chocolates. 

Hershey Park prices for early season is $58.95 for ages 9-54, $36.95 for ages 3-6 $36.95 for seniors 55-69 and $23.95 for seniors 70+. Regular season admission fees are $59.95 for regular, $37.95 for ages 3-6, $37.95 for seniors and $23.95 for seniors over 70. The Ride, Dine and Play pack costs $64.15 and is available only online. Children under 2 years of age are free to enter.

For more information about Hershey Park, visit their official website.

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